Our Mission
Taking Action
Preserve Wild Santee engages in significant land use decisions to protect the public interest. We engage in the environmental review process with written comments and law enforcement when necessary.
We work to protect and enhance our region’s quality-of-life. By engaging in land use decisions, we produce a more healthy community with cleaner air, greater recreational opportunities, more scenic views, less traffic congestion and more informed decisions from our public officials.
Priority Projects
Conservation of Santee’s majestic Fanita Ranch as a recreational extension of Mission Trails Park. Mission Trails Park expansion on East Elliott. Conservation in the San Diego River watershed. Climate Action required for people, endangered wildlife and vernal pool conservation.
Power Our Campaigns
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What the people say
For over twenty years Preserve Wild Santee has been instrumental in fighting off development of Fanita Ranch, a horrendous project that would dump thousands of new commuters on Santee’s already clogged streets and destroy Santee’s last special natural open space. Please support PWS however you can.

Without Preserve Wild Santee, much of the beautiful open space in and around Santee would be filled with congestion and poorly adapted development – development in one of the most fire prone corridors in California. Thank you Preserve Wild Santee for all you do.

Thank you Preserve Wild Santee for protecting the few wild places left in our growing community!

Preserve Wild Santee talks the talk and walks the walk. Uncompromising fact telling is what you’ll get with the deepest passion for what’s best for Santee, its surroundings, and its people.

From its inception 20 years ago PWS has been THE most influential voice for intelligent development in and around Santee, helping protect our hillsides from remote development which creates more traffic, overtaxes our resources and harms the environment. It continues to reminds our elected officials that they first and foremost represent the people of Santee. And PWS speaks truth to developers who continually misconstrue the effects of over-development.

Every community needs a group like this to keep tabs on efforts to destroy our natural resources!

This is a great organization. They stopped the power plant, now let’s help them stop overdevelopment.

We count on Preserve Wild Santee to keep us informed and ready to act on behalf of the beautiful natural side of Santee.

Where would Santee be without Preserve Wild Santee! It would simply like any other place where the beauty and open space is not preserved and developments like Fanita Ranch are allowed to happen. Most people who live here, stay and put up with the traffic because we are surrounded by beauty and Preserve Wild Santee helps with that. My husband and I are supporters of PWS.

Preserve Wild Santee has been the only thing that has keep Santee from being overrun by huge development on the Fanita Ranch. This page keeps our politicians honest and keeps our quality of life and the beauty of our community foremost in their efforts.

Without Preserve Wild Santee to protect our hills they would be covered in houses and our streets would be parking lots. We desperately need Preserve Wild Santee and and all those who work so hard to keep Santee a nice place to live!!!

Van Collinsworth has been the backbone of this and God Bless him and all the other people that participate.

I appreciate the hard work Preserve Wild Santee has done all these years.

We moved to Santee to be near Mission Trails Park and as much open land as possible while still close to San Diego. We support Preserve Wild Santee!

Our Director

Preserve Wild Santee Referendum Defeats Fanita Ranch Subdivision
A landslide vote defeats the Fanita Ranch subdivision in 1999. Preserve Wild Santee volunteers gather 9,000 signatures within 3 weeks carrying 60 pound petitions to challenge City Council approval of a 2,988-unit subdivision on Fanita Ranch. The petition is successfully defended in court leading to the defeat of Prop’s A, B, & C with an overwhelming 65% margin.